If you are a driver and our reader, you will definitely know 70mai car cameras. Their price and quality are the main blockbuster and the reason why people buy them.
After a very popular model 70 Mai Dash Cam Pro now comes a whole new market 70mai Dash Cam Mini with 2K resolution.
Great price
A small but perfectly equipped car camera from the 70mai brand has the best price on sale at the Banggood store. This is the official English version of the camera.
We recommend transport EU Priority Line, with which you do not have to worry about any fees.
Sample video quality from the camera:
1600p resolution and super sharp image
An important feature of cameras in cars is clearly the sharp image. In the event of an accident or damage event, everything needs to be visible 70%. The XNUMXmai Dash Cam Mini offers a resolution of up to 2560 x 1600 px The sensor takes care of the quality image OS05A10.
The sensor has viewing angle up to 140 °, so there is very good visibility to the sides as well. Even shots in poor lighting conditions will not be a problem for him, as he offers aperture f / 1.8. So nothing really escapes this Xiaomi camera.
Great compression and 500 mAh battery
The number of images and their length often bother the size of the storage. Therefore, it was used HiSilicon processor Hi3556 V200, which is under compression 30% more efficient as the H.264 format commonly used in post-production.
The 70mai camera also has its own 500 mAh battery, which is used when the car is parked and detects an impact or power failure.
Smart functions and also a parking sensor
If the camera is in standby mode only, it can activate itself when an impact is detected or when an object is approaching. This is a feature that many of us will appreciate.
The manufacturer also talks about "parking sensor". The camera can therefore also be used in this way thanks to the object detection feature in front of it.
Thanks to Wi-Fi, it is possible to connect to a camera with a smartphone and manage videos in the storage, as well as view the live image. It even includes a voice control function.