Amazfit GTR 4 - Xiaomi Planet
Beautiful Amazfit GTR 4 and GTS 4 with Bluetooth calls and dual GPS received new May coupons on Ali

The Chinese company Amazfit, which also belongs to the wide Xiaomi ecosystem, has its fourth generation of popular and affordable smart watches under the name Amazfit GTR 4, Amazfit GTS 4 and Amazfit GTS 4 Mini. May Aliexpress sales Amazfit GTR 4 models…

The second lowest price in history Amazfit GTR 4 Limited Edition: Wireless charging, body temperature measurement and memory for music

At the end of April 2023, Amazfit launched a new smart watch called Amazfit GTR 4 Limited Edition. Compared to the classic version of the GTR 4, they will offer a nicer design, wireless charging and skin temperature measurement. On sale on Aliexpress The best equipped smart…