At a time when it is no longer very "in" to get ahead of yourself in which smartphone will offer the best parameters (because today it is really only about the details), manufacturers need to build on something that consumers are interested in.
HyperOS tips and tricks in our FB group
Updates have been such a topic lately. The market is currently experiencing a race for which company will offer the longest software support, but also for how fast are the updates?.
Xiaomi users have reason to rejoice
Of course, Apple has its own world and has been a clear market leader for a long time. Now we have, for example, Google with its Pixels or Samsung, which they offer up to 7 years of support.
Xiaomi is also trying in this direction and interesting changes have been announced. These relate to the update structure and are officially confirmed. Updates will come to smartphones every month and regularly.
It will be possible thanks to the implementation HyperOS 2 and uniform software that the company installs on all its devices. This will greatly simplify the work for developers and updates can come more often. By the way, even the aforementioned Pixels or more expensive Samsungs currently work in a very similar style and receive updates every month.
Regular updates not only in China but also in Europe
Up until now, there was no problem with updates not coming to Xiaomi phones, but it is more a matter of regularity. It often happened that an update was available for some region much earlier than for another, that shouldn't happen any time soon and everything will be released pretty much at once. Just the way users want it.
We should be able to do monthly updates from 2025
— Alvin T (@atytse) December 1, 2024
A beautiful current example is that updates in China are always here earlier than the same updates in Europe, so we always have to wait a little longer for all new functionalities. Even after the recent launch of HyperOS 2, users have noticed that the waiting time for the update has been significantly reduced after its launch in China.
In 2025, it should be even better. But don't forget that Xiaomi's portfolio is huge and it will take a while to clean everything up so that updates can go at the same time. However, the short-term plan is to provide new versions of the software on a monthly basis. In particular, it will provide users with faster and more frequent bug fixes.
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