November 19.11.2019, XNUMX - Xiaomi company organized in Beijing, China MIDC 2019 Developer Conference. Although it is not uncommon to present commercial news to the general public at this event, we have yet to learn what Xiaomi will bring in the near future.
smartphone Redmi K30 officially confirmed
Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun presented the company's plans for the development of 5G mobile networks. As at a recent conference, China Mobile Global Partners confirmed that all future Xiaomi smartphones with a price of more than 2000 yuan (260 € / 6 645 kč) will support 5G mobile networks.
On that occasion, he mentioned that already in December this year's brand Redmi will launch a new smartphone Redmi K30.
The novelty will support 5G mobile networks. Redmi The K30 will be the first smartphone in the world to support two 5G technologies, i.e. independent SA and non-independent NSA in dual mode.
The smartphone display should have two round holes in which they will be located two front cameras. It will be the first smartphone from Xiaomi (Redmi), which will have the so-called cutout instead of dual front camera holes.
It is expected that Redmi The K30 will be equipped with a chipset MediaTek 5G, but the latest type of processor from the Qualcomm Snapdragon workshop is also possible. This brand brings a chipset for mid - range smartphones with 5G support, which is referred to as Snapdragon 735 5G.
We do not yet know any other information about the upcoming smartphone. CEO of the brand Redmi, Lu Weibing, on the social network Weibo just recently declared that Redmi K30 will not arrive until next year.
However, after today's conference, it is clear that this model will be introduced soon. At the beginning of next year, we may see a more powerful version called Pro.
New details about Super Charge Turbo
The conference also discussed the already known rapid 100 W charging, on which Xiaomi has been working for a long time. Above all, the Chinese giant confirmed the name of the technology, specifically Super charge turbo, adding that the new fast charge will work thanks to two - cell batteries to achieve a very high energy efficiency of around 98%.
Xiaomi further claims that such a fast charge can only be achieved by using expensive materials with extremely low resistance. As a result, the cost of devices with this technology will be slightly higher. 100 W charging in a smartphone will bring different technologies that have never been used before.
For example, high-voltage charging using batteries in series, nine protective charging systems (seven on the motherboard and two on the battery itself). A smartphone with this technology will also get an independent microcontroller to reduce accidents and increase safety. MTW battery technology will also be included for lower internal resistance and lower temperature.
Voice assistant from Xiaomi has a new feature
Although artificial intelligence in the form of XiaoAI voice assistant is not yet supported in our country, it is very popular in domestic China. The equivalent of a voice assistant from Google has only recently acquired the function of continuous communication. Thanks to the latest update, the Chinese assistant XiaoAI in version 3.0 now also gets this feature.
Spoločnosť Xiaomi na dnešnej vývojárskej konferencii potvrdila, že XiaoAI 3.0 je prvým inteligentným hlasovým asistentom, ktorý je schopný podporovať plne duplexnú prirodzenú nepretržitú konverzáciu na smartfónoch.
Je však pozoruhodné, že súčasnú podobu asistenta podporujú iba dve zariadenia, a to Mi 9 Pro a Mi 9. Nová aktualizácia sa teraz rozšíri pre používateľov smartfónov Xiaomi a Redmi a malo by ísť o rýchlu takzvanú „Okamžitú aktualizáciu“.
Funkcia nepretržitého dialógu sa aktivuje jednorazovým prebudením pričom ďalšie pokyny možno kedykoľvek prerušiť. Pomocou tejto funkcie zostane asistent aktívny a bude počúvať, aby bolo možné naďalej klásť ďalšie otázky bez toho, aby musel byť zakaždým opakovaný príkaz prebudenia.
Po aktualizácii XiaoAI používatelia získajú tiež funkciu, ktorá umožňuje prevádzať obsah hovoru na text. Umelá inteligencia môže tiež volajúce oznámiť automatickú odpoveď keď používateľ nemôže prevziať hovor.