Amazfit T-Rex 3 are brutal: Metal, NFC, 27-day endurance - Xiaomi Planet
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With fast delivery from the EU warehouse: Amazfit T-Rex 3 is the supercharged smartwatch we've been waiting for: High durability and 27-day battery life

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It already looked promising, it's a shame that it doesn't have Google Pay for all banks...


It is possible to pay with all banks, those that are not directly supported are handled through the Curve service. Here we have a guide, it works the same with Amazfit Pay


Curve? How can I send my OP somewhere abroad, there's no danger...


Hello... If you can upload offline maps to it, can you also upload music to it?? How much memory does it take? I couldn't find it anywhere...

Last edited 1 month ago by VoDaCZ

Hi, yes of course you can, here is the official guide


Would I use Spotify/BT headphones on this? Or is it a full-fledged replacement for a mobile phone?


Amazfit does not have direct Spotify support, but the T-Rex 3 has up to 32 GB of storage available for storing music / podcasts. Connecting BT headphones is no problem. Then there are online tools for downloading MP3 files from Spotify, just link the exact song and the tool will download it as an mp3.


It's a shame that there are others that don't measure blood pressure, with so many functions they could have it, yes, even premium brands don't have it, except for Huawei, one type and Samsung, and they need to be calibrated according to the blood pressure monitor, but on my old watch, no name Zebalze, I have such a function and I've used it many times, yes, now the answer comes that the measurement accuracy is zero, but that's not entirely true, when I compared it with the blood pressure monitor, the deviation was 2-3 numbers more on the watch, but it's enough for an approximate check, and today they could definitely provide more accurate sensors, but so what, I don't need a lot of sports activities, who will use all that?