Segway eMoped C80 - e-bike in the style of a moped - Xiaomi Planet
Electric bicycles

The Segway eMoped C80 is the brand's first smart e-bike with amazing features. He has already raised $ 287 in crowdfunding

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Pythro de

Ah (generally sucin amperes and units of time) NO, I repeat NO unit of capacity, but after changing to small SI basic units we suddenly find out that we assemble the unit el. charge !!! There rules the coulomb. Yes we see well !!!

1 Ah = 3600 C (coulombs) !!!

Dear and loved one single e. capacity is a farad!!! And related to electricity. voltage, not current. Yes, among ordinary people, we have seen the wording "capacity" of a battery or accumulator for years, meaning ENERGY CONTENT (in terms of weight or volume). That is, HOW MUCH ENERGY IS THERE. Well, the unit of energy (once converted into small SI base units) is, for example, Wh or kWh.

1 Wh = 3600 J (joules) !!!

Determining the energy content of the battery only by stating it in Ah is absolutely incorrect and totally sick, because Ah is NOT a unit of energy. We have a V (volt) error. And when we calculate the volt, we get a unit of energy. For example 20 Ah at 24 V is something different than 20 Ah at 400 V. The first hides 480 Wh of energy, the second is 8000 Wh. Unfortunately, in the case of ordinary batteries, masses of mAh (milliamperhours) have been massaged for many years only because some types of batteries have "their own" negligible voltage. e.g. rechargeable AA/AAA monocells 1,2V; non-rechargeable 1,5V; li-ion monocells (18650/21700....) or mobile batteries 3,6/3,7V and USB after the old 5V. However, without knowledge of Napatia, or mixing and comparing values ​​in mAh/Ah at different voltages leads to those naive mistakes of the power bank type (5V) vs. mobile phone (3,6V).

Indication of the energy content of the battery in e-cars is in Wh / kWh which is great: this is the energy content = how much energy is hidden in the battery, because no one knows whether the e-car uses 300V-350V-400V-500V or how much volt system to the energy content from the counterproductive data in Ah could be calculated.

However, the power bank's 10 mAh is theoretically equivalent to about 000 mobile mAh at total zero losses in high-voltage conversions (well, because no one cares about mobile phones and power banks count their mAh at different voltages), actually due to losses at conversion of about 7200 mobile mAh. mAh… they are just 6600/2… and everyone then wonders like an idiot.

On the other hand, if we see the data 1152 Wh and 24 Ah for the battery, we can immediately calculate the voltage of the battery 48 V by primitive division. On the other hand, this is excess/redundant data, what is important is the energetic content, or if we primitively want the energetic "capacity" 1152 Wh. With which combination of voltage and current is it more important, whether with 24Ah.48V or 36Ah.32V or 16Ah.72V ... it really doesn't matter.
Even with Tesla with its amazing 100 kWh battery and amazing range of 500 km, no one cares if it's like 250Ah.400V or 200Ah.500V or 400Ah.250V or 125Ah.800V… A combination of currents and voltages that achieve the energy content of 100 kWh Tesla battery does not really (probably almost) appear anywhere. This does not apply to li-lion monolclanky, where I write everything nicely, but unnecessarily - since the nominal tension is clear (conventionally read and known), e.g. 3,5 Ah at a nominal 3,6V can give nothing but an energy content of 12,6 Wh.


Excellent summary!!! This is the way to move the company forward... thanks