Banggood is now more affordable with a coupon: Xiaomi Mijia For smart watches, they have an E-ink display, measure temperature and humidity - Xiaomi Planet
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Banggood is now more affordable with a coupon: Xiaomi Mijia For smart watches, they have an E-ink display, measure temperature and humidity

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The link does not work. The watch wasn't introduced last week, but maybe 2 months ago. And they have a problem with setting the time - according to reviews, they determine the time according to the server in Mi Home. So if it's a Chinese server, then time is Chinese. I don't know if they already fixed it ..


I have had this clock for at least 3 years and whenever the time deviates, I just tap on the application and adjust it with my mobile phone


I have these clocks, and when I switch to winter time, I find that I can't reset them. For the first time there was a so-called time update via mobile phone, but now this function is no longer available, allegedly only in the pro version of the application, which is for a fee


Stupid, works fine


I have this watch and the time has been updated seamlessly when I open the app. I didn't need one for the version.


Does anyone know how to reset my watch if I want to connect it to another home environment?
Thank you.


I'm going to add me to Mi home App only through China mainland region 🙁


The time is visible even at night, if I had them in the bedroom.


That was a question. Thanks for the reply. That is exactly what is important for me, so that I can find out the time when I wake up at night.


Good day. Such a similar clock for the kitchen on the shelf that shows you still don't have time?


My clock also has a problem setting the time, the humidity shows fine. The flashlight does not last long.


I have had them for over 5 years and everything is still OK. Battery life is long, certainly more than half a year and maybe even a year. I don't remember exactly when I last changed them. The time setting works perfectly fine. With BT on through the app