Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi shocked us at today's press conference with his new product called cyberdog. It is a robotic dog with "open-source" software. The company is already launching a limited sale of 1000 pieces of this product to selected engineers and fans.
Cyberdog is an intelligent robotic dog from Xiaomi
A new four-legged robot called cyberdog is an experimental product with "open-source" software that Xiaomi says has unpredictable customization options. If you know the Spot robot from the well-known company Boston Dynamics, this is basically its distant cousin.
It is an alternative, but also a competition against the Spot robot, which started selling last year for almost 75 thousand US dollars. The Robot Spot from Boston Dynamics was used for various rescue purposes, to connect with a patient in difficult terrain, to survey mined sites, but it was also tested by the military. It is not yet clear for what purpose the Chinese Xiaomi is developing its robot.
In the press release, the manufacturer emphasizes the "open-source" nature of the software of this product. The manufacturer revealed that so far it has released only 1000 units for the amount of 9999 yuan (about $ 1500) for selected Xiaomi fans, engineers and robotic enthusiasts.
It is this community that should drive the development and potential of these so-called "Robotic dogs." The final selling price for other applicants is not yet known.
In addition, the manufacturer emphasizes the "nature of the pet." cyberdog he has the ability to respond to voice commands and can also follow his owner, just like a real live dog.
However, when we look at the photos, we see an elegant but futuristic and slightly threatening appearance of a robot, which is looking at you with its number of sensors and cameras. It has such a different focus as, for example, the nice, robotic companion Aibo from Sony.
A pet full of technology
Xiaomi argues that cyberdog is dexterous enough to roll backwards, can run at 3,2 m / s (Boston Dynamics Spot can be 3,9 m / s) and has a payload of 3 kilograms (compared to Spot, which has 5,2 kg).
Powered by the Nvidia Jetson Xavier AI platform, the CyberDog is equipped with several cameras and numerous sensors.
Equipment also includes touch sensors, a GPS module, an ultra-wide fisheye lens, an Intel RealSense D450 depth camera and SLAM navigation technology. All these components allow the robot semi-autonomous navigation in space. The motor that drives this robot offers up to 220 rpm and a torque of 32 Nm.
"CyberDog can analyze its surroundings in real time, create navigation maps, draw a destination and avoid obstacles. Combined with posture and face recognition, CyberDog is able to track its owner and circumvent obstacles, ”says Xiaomi.
The device can respond to voice commands, including recognition of selected words and instructions. The robot also has an integrated 128 GB SSD storage. Due to the fact that it is an intelligent robot, it is also possible to control it via a smartphone and a connected mobile application.
cyberdog it also offers three USB type C ports in terms of connectivity and also one HDMI port. According to Xiaomi, it can be used to customize the hardware. The robotic dog can thus additionally receive, for example LiDAR sensors, panoramic cameras or strong search lights.
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